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Thunderhead: Miranda Darling in conversation with Jo Yeldham

Miranda Darling joins us, in conversation with Bookoccino’s Jo Yeldham, to discuss Thunderhead, her black comedy about one woman’s struggle to be free.

On the outside, Winona is a seemingly unremarkable young mother: unobtrusive, quietly going about her tasks. But within is a vivid, chaotic self, teeming with voices — a mind both wild and precise.

Miranda (above) is a writer, poet, and co-founder of Vanishing Pictures. She read English and Modern Languages at Oxford. Thunderhead is her fifth book. 

Jo Yeldham (below) is a photographer, a voracious reader and a recent addition to the Bookoccino team. 

Together the friends talk writing, the feminine and the importance of humour.

Monday 3 June from 6pm at Bookoccino (Tickets here)

Portrait by Cindy Kavanagh @themodernmuseportrait

66 Old Barrenjoey Rd
Avalon Beach
NSW 2107

(02) 9973 1244