News & Reviews

The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates

The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Words, books, writing, storytelling — the power to haunt, to change the world. With the force of a prosecutor and the lyricism of a poet, Coates takes us with him to Senegal, where his ancestors were put on ships and taken to America as slaves; to South Carolina where a teacher fights the banning of Between the World and Me, which thrust him into the role of one of America’s leading public intellectuals. The heart and soul of The Message (a New York Times best-seller in its first week), is the author’s trip to Israel-Palestine, where he re-examines his arguments for reparations to America’s Blacks, while confronting the parallels to South Africa’s apartheid. “It demands new messengers, tasked, as we all are, with nothing less than saving the world,” Coates concludes. Forceful. Compelling. Read it.
— Ray
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NSW 2107

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