News & Reviews

Possible delivery interruptions

Dear customers,
A brief note on our current trading conditions.
So far, we’ve been fortunate. The last few weeks have taught us to be patient, resilient, obedient. Your encouragement, support and loyalty have bouyed us immensely.  Now we need to ask for your patience.
Covid-19 is impacting every industry, including ours. We are experiencing delays in deliveries from publishers, who have their own problems getting books printed. We anticipate that this may be the case for the next few months. The availability of international titles is currently very limited. There may be some titles that are not available to access at this time.
We are working on improvements to our online store, to make your shopping experience better. Rest assured that any order which cannot be filled will be promptly refunded and alternative suggestions can be made.
We appreciate your patience and your support as we adapt to changing circumstances.
66 Old Barrenjoey Rd
Avalon Beach
NSW 2107

(02) 9973 1244