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Make ‘Em Laugh – a holiday workshop for clowns [Thurs 16-Jan, 11am]

Thursday 16th and Friday 17th January
From 11am to 2pm
Cost: $80
Suitable for kids between 8 and 14, this course will introduce character development, basic slapstick routines, mime, prop comedy and a basic understanding of juggling. By the end of this two day workshop your child will have enough material to put together a small (hopefully very funny) performance for family and friends.
Our workshop presenters are Jean-Paul Bell, who has had a long career in physical theatre as a mime, clown and comedian. He is a founder and the original creative director of the Clown Doctor program. Sontaan Hopson is a loved member of the Bookoccino Team. She is a an actor and improviser, a member of the Come You Spirits Shakespeare company, a maker of jewellery, a healer and a creator of the Little Zen Monsters children’s meditations. Soni also worked in children’s hospitals as a Starlight Captain.